Alan, That the ALP senators considered the report failed to sufficiently acknowledge the ‘underlying imperative to transition the grid to Net Zero’.

I believe the 'imperative to transition the grid to Net Zero'. Will be counter productive and achieve nothing, for the following reasons.

1. CO2 is not a ‘bad’ trace gas. It is essential for our and every form of life. And the more of it in the atmosphere the better everything grows and the greener the Planet gets.

2. Any reductions in CO2 emissions from Australia will be swamped by other Countries emissions. As China, India and now the USA is generating as much electricity as possible from fossil fuels and generating more than 50% of the World’s Climate Change Gases.

3. Evidence points to the fact that cloud cover (water vapour, that makes up 97% of Green House Gases is the main cause of the Green House Effect. NOT man made increased CO2.

(I read an interesting comment that CO2 was chosen for being culprit, that was causing Climate Change because it can be taxed and Water Vapour cannot be taxed.

If we can prove that attempting to reach Net Zero'. Will be counter productive and achieve nothing. The whole Net Zero, Climate Change subsidies scam will collapse.

If you haven't already done so, could you please write setting out what a serious mistake it is? Particularly when Trump pulls out of the Paris Accord and China and India are burning our coal as fast as they can.

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Many have written along these lines but the public (and hence the politicians) have not found them compelling in the past. This is due to a hysteria over global warming and a conviction - often promoted by subsidy seekers - that wind and solar are cheaper - after all the sun and the wind are free, are they not?

Hopefully this will change with the realisation that these intermittent supplies are actually costly and unreliable. But there is a mass of ideological obstinacy and vested interests from those who have gained regulatory favours that has to be combatted.

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